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Prevent leak of data via iCloud or iTunes backups


Wrong configuration for saved files can lead to user sensitive data disclosure. User data can be stolen from:

Files from app are stored to iCloud/iTunes backups if two conditions are met:

  1. Application saves file to one of its folders – Documents, Library, Application Support Directory
  2. File saved without flag isExcludedFromBackup (or flag’s value == false).

How to detect (black box)

  1. Do things that invoke saving of file to disk (download and save file, for example)
  2. Create iTunes backup (via iTunes, obviously)
  3. Use some apps to extract files from backup (for example, iBackup Extractor for mac/windows)
  4. Try to find files from tested app in backup files.

How to detect (white box)

  1. Check in code folders for saved to disk files:
    • For Swift: documentDirectory, libraryDirectory, applicationSupportDirectory
    • For Objective-C: NSDocumentDirectory, NSLibraryDirectory, NSApplicationSupportDirectory
  2. Check if flag isExcludedFromBackup is applied to files from p.1


To exclude sensitive files from backup we can use isExcludedFromBackup flag. Swift code looks like this:

func excludeFileFromBackup(withURL url: URL) {
        var resourceUrl = url
        var resourceValue = URLResourceValues()
        resourceValue.isExcludedFromBackup = true
        do {
            try resourceUrl.setResourceValues(resourceValue)
        } catch { }